Dr.Rajesh Soni is a senior urologist practicing in Nagpur for the last 25 years. He has done his MBBS and MS (general surgery) from the government medical college Nagpur and m.Ch. (urology) from Mumbai University. He is the recipient of a D. N.B. Certificate from the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi in general surgery as well as urology. Thereafter he worked at Mpuh Kidney Hospital Nadiad, Gujrat, and as a specialist urologist at a hospital, in Dubai. He has a vast experience in treating urological problems. Various urological operations for kidney stones, enlarged prostate, stricture urethra, incontinence of urine, cancers of the urinary tract, and male infertility and impotence are routinely done at Soni Hospital. Dr.Rajesh Soni and his team are committed to providing quality services to patients. Their feedback and suggestions are taken positively to sustain and maintain quality services and practices.
(10:00 AM - 08:00 PM)
There will be no consultation